Survey Distribution: 8 Methods for Sending Out Surveys

Asking for feedback from customers and stakeholders is an essential part of any business strategy. Surveys are a great way to get the data you need in order to make informed decisions about your products, services, and customer experience. But which survey distribution method yields the best results?

There are several different approaches to send out surveys, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. You can use email, social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter, SMS text messages, telephone calls, web forms on your website—or even good old-fashioned paper surveys!

In this article we will look at all these options so that you can decide which one is best suited to your needs.

Overview of Different Methods to Send out Surveys

Let’s look at how each method works, what its advantages and disadvantages are, and when it might be most appropriate to use. By understanding these various approaches, you will be better equipped to choose the best survey strategy for your company’s needs.


Sending surveys via email is one of the most popular methods, as it’s fast and convenient. You can easily design your survey using a template or questionnaire tool, then send it out to large numbers of recipients in one go.

The downside to this method is that people may not read or respond to emails, so you may not get the response rate you’re after.


+ Fast & convenient

+ Easy to design surveys using templates or questionnaire tools


– Low response rate as people may not read or respond to emails

– Can be easily overlooked in inboxes

phone with 3-d graphics of app logos popping off the screen. (survey distribution type - social media)

Social Media

Asking customers to complete surveys on social media networks such as Facebook or Twitter can be a great way to reach out to people who are already active on those platforms.

This method is faster and more cost effective than email, but it does come with its own set of challenges, such as people not reading or responding to your survey.


+ Fast & cost effective

+ Can reach out to people already active on the platform


– Low response rate as people may not read or respond to surveys

– People may be unwilling to share personal information on social networks

SMS Text Messages

Sending surveys via SMS is a great way to reach out to customers who don’t have access to email or social media. It’s also fast, convenient and cost effective, but it can be difficult to get people to respond in a timely manner.


+ Fast & cost effective

+ Convenient for customers who don’t have access to email or social media


– Low response rate as people may not read or respond to text messages

– Difficult to get people to respond in a timely manner

Telephone Calls

Calling people to ask them to complete surveys can be effective, as it gives you the chance to explain what your survey is about and why it’s important.

It’s also personalized and direct, which can help increase response rates. However, this method is time-consuming and expensive, especially if you have a large number of respondents.


+ Personalised & direct

+ Can increase response rates


– Time consuming & expensive

– May be difficult to get through to people

Web Forms

Creating web forms on your website is an easy way to ask customers to provide feedback. You can design the form however you like and embed it in any page on your site. This method is convenient and cost effective, but you may find that people don’t take the time to fill out your form.


+ Easy to design

+ Convenient for customers

+ Cost effective


– Low response rate as people may not take the time to fill out the form

Paper surveys

This method may be old-fashioned, but it still works! You can design paper surveys that you hand out or post to people, and you’ll get a better response rate as people are more likely to complete the survey if they have it in front of them. The downside is that this method can be time-consuming and expensive.


+ Better response rate

+ People are more likely to fill it out if they have it in front of them


– Time consuming & expensive

– Difficult to track responses and analyze data

QR Codes

Using QR codes to send customers directly to your survey is a fast and cost effective way to get their feedback. This method is also convenient, as customers don’t have to type in a URL or search for the survey on your website.

The downside is that you may need to create an app or software that can read QR codes, which can be expensive.


+ Fast & cost effective

+ Convenient for customers


– May need to create an app or software that can read QR codes, which can be expensive

– Low response rate as people may not read or respond to the survey

Survey Platforms

Online survey platforms are a great way to streamline the survey process and get better response rates. Many of these platforms offer features such as automated reminders, custom branding options, data analysis tools and more. This method can be costly if you don’t compare and find the right one for you.


+ Automated reminders & data analysis tools

+ Custom branding options


– Can be costly

– Sometimes requires technical knowledge to use the platform effectively

Tips for Sending Out Surveys

1. Personalize your survey – Make sure to personalize your surveys as much as possible so that it feels more engaging and meaningful for the respondents.

2. Keep it brief – Try to keep your survey as short and concise as possible in order to maximize response rates.

3. Choose the right platform – It is important to choose a survey platform that fits your needs, budget, and time constraints in order for you to get the most out of it.

4. Use incentives – Offering incentives such as discounts or free products can help boost response rates by motivating people to complete the survey.

5. Follow up with non-responders – If you don’t receive a response after sending out several reminders, consider following up with those individuals via phone or email for additional feedback on their experience with your business/product/service etc.

6. Analyze and act on the data – After you have collected all the data, make sure to analyze it carefully and use it to inform your decisions and strategies. This will help ensure that your surveys are not only effective but meaningful as well.

Tools like ProductLab help businesses create surveys that are effective and worthwhile. With ProductLab, you can receive assistance creating the survey step-by-step and an all-in-one platform to distribute the survey and subsequently analyze results.

Survey Best Practices

  • Personalize the survey – Make sure to personalize the survey as much as possible in order to make it meaningful for the respondents.
  • Keep it concise – Try to keep your survey as short and concise as possible in order to maximize response rates.
  • Choose the right platform – It is important to choose a survey platform that fits your needs, budget, and time constraints.
  • Ensure a Good Sample Size – Make sure you have a large enough sample size to be able to draw meaningful conclusions from the data.
  • Use incentives – Offering incentives such as discounts or free products can help boost response rates by motivating people to complete the survey.
  • Follow up with non-responders – If you don’t receive a response after sending out several reminders, consider following up with those individuals via phone or email for additional feedback on their experience with your business/product/service etc.
  • Analyze and act on the data – After you have collected all the data, make sure to analyze it carefully and use it to inform your decisions and strategies. This will help ensure that your surveys are not only effective but valuable as well.

How to Choose the Best Survey Distribution Method

When it comes to choosing the best survey distribution method, there are many factors that you should take into consideration. These include:

1. The type of data you are looking to collect

If the data you are collecting is personal or sensitive in nature, then a paper-based survey might be the best option. On the other hand, if you are looking to capture more dynamic data, then using an online survey platform might be a better choice.

2. Time and budget constraints

If you are on a tight budget or timeline, then it is important to consider how long the survey will take for respondents to complete as well as the cost of the method.

3. Level of engagement

Different survey methods tend to have different levels of engagement, so it is important to choose a method that will resonate best with your target audience in order to maximize response rates.

What to Know About Survey Software

When it comes to choosing the right survey software to match their distribution method, there are several factors that need to be taken into consideration.

Firstly, the type of data that needs to be collected and whether or not it is sensitive in nature should be considered; if sensitive data is being collected then a paper-based survey might be the most appropriate option.

Secondly, it is important to consider the cost and complexity of the survey software; some platforms can be costly or difficult to use and thus may not be suitable for your needs.

Finally, ensure that the platform has sufficient features such as analytics tools and a user-friendly interface, in order to make the most out of your surveys.


Surveys are an invaluable tool for businesses, as they provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. However, it is important to consider several factors when choosing the best survey distribution method and software to ensure that you get the most out of your surveys.

By understanding how different methods work and what features each platform has to offer, you can make sure that your surveys are both effective and meaningful in order to maximize response rates while collecting relevant data.

With these tips in mind, you should be well on your way to creating a successful survey strategy!


Q1. What is the best way to ensure a good sample size?

A1. When designing a survey, it is important to consider the sample size in order to get reliable results. The ideal number of respondents varies depending on the type of survey and the goals you are trying to achieve but generally speaking, you should aim for a sample size of at least 100 respondents.

Q2. How can I make sure my survey is personalized?

A2. Personalization is key when it comes to surveys as it helps make them more engaging and meaningful for the respondent. One way to personalize your surveys is by using tailored questions that are relevant to each person’s circumstances. Another way is by adding a personal touch to the survey introduction or message.

Q3. What should I consider when choosing survey software?

A3. When looking for survey software, it’s important to take into account its features, cost, and ease of use. Consider the type of survey you are creating and then compare your needs with what each option offers. Additionally, make sure to look for something that is within your budget and easy to use.

Q4. What other methods exist for collecting customer feedback?

A4. In addition to surveys, there are a few other methods for collecting customer feedback such as focus groups, interviews, online reviews/ratings, and customer feedback forms. Each of these methods has its own pros and cons, so it’s important to choose the one that best fits your needs. Learn the difference between data collection methods in our guide: Understanding the Differences Between a Survey, Poll, Questionnaire, & Mistakes to Avoid