Surveys are an invaluable tool for businesses of all sizes, in almost any industry. They provide valuable data and insights into the opinions, needs and preferences of customers, employees or other stakeholders.
By taking the time to collect this information through surveys, companies can make informed decisions that will benefit their operations in the long run.
But some industries rely on survey data more than others do. Some industries where surveys are especially crucial include healthcare, retail, hospitality, government, education, and beyond.
Each of these sectors has its own unique challenges when it comes to gaining insight from customer feedback – but by using surveys effectively they can gain a competitive edge over their rivals.
In this article, we’ll explore how each sector uses survey data and what makes them so essential for success in those areas and the types of surveys to consider.
Defining Surveys & Methods
A survey is a structured data collection method used to collect feedback and opinions from individuals.
It typically involves asking questions which can be answered by multiple-choice, open-ended responses or a combination of both.
Surveys are usually administered via an online platform or through the mail, but can also be done in person or over the phone.
They have a variety of uses, but they are most commonly used to gain a better understanding of customer needs and preferences.
Within this, there are different types of surveys that someone can choose to administer and this may depend on the industry as well. Below are a few options to consider.

Online surveys
Online surveys are a popular method of collecting data and insights from customers, as they are convenient and cost-effective.
They allow users to complete the survey wherever they are, at any time that is convenient for them.
This makes it easier to reach a large audience quickly, without having to worry about the logistical issues associated with in-person or mail-in surveys.
Telephone surveys
This is another popular method of collecting data and insights from customers, but it can be more expensive than online surveys depending on the size of the audience being surveyed.
It also requires a dedicated team to make calls, which can add up labor costs quickly.
However, telephone surveys are beneficial because they offer the opportunity to conduct more in-depth interviews and engage with customers directly.
In-person surveys
In-person surveys are the most traditional form of data collection, but they can also be expensive and time-consuming.
For example, if a company wants to survey people in different cities or countries, it would need to send out representatives to do the job.
However, in-person surveys offer an opportunity for more detailed conversations and better customer engagement than other survey methods.
Panel surveys
Panel surveys are used to collect data from a group of people who have already agreed to participate in surveys.
These participants often receive incentives for taking part and can provide valuable information about the target market or audience.
Panel surveys are especially useful if companies need quick feedback on products, services, or campaigns.
Focus groups
Focus groups are used to get a deeper understanding of customer opinions and preferences by having them participate in an informal group discussion.
A moderator will lead the conversation and ask questions that can help the company identify potential areas of improvement.
Focus groups are ideal for getting detailed insights from customers without having to survey a large number of people.
Mail or e-mail surveys
Mail or e-mail surveys are a great way to gain insight into customer opinions and preferences without the time and cost associated with conducting in-person or telephone surveys.
Mail surveys involve sending physical questionnaires to individuals which they can fill out and return by post. Email surveys are easier and faster, as they allow users to respond quickly via email.
One-on-one interviews
One-on-one interviews are when you talk to someone one at a time. Companies use them to find out what people think or want.
Sometimes companies do this instead of simply distributing surveys or assembling a group, despite oftentimes being more efficient.
One-on-one interviews allow you to gain deeper insights and get more detailed responses. The interviewer can also probe further if they need additional information or clarification from the respondent.
Companies may use one-on-one interviews in situations where other survey methods may not be suitable.
Group interviews
Group interviews are similar to focus groups in that they involve a group of people discussing a topic.
However, the main difference between the two is that a group interview involves interviewing each person separately but at the same time rather than having one representative for the entire group.
This allows for a better understanding of how individuals think and how their opinions may differ from one another.
Group interviews are beneficial if companies want to get a more in-depth look at how people think and feel about certain topics or products.
Social media surveys
Social media surveys involve asking participants questions via social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
They allow for quick data collection and can be used to reach a wide range of people. Companies can also use social media surveys to gain insights into their target market and get feedback on products or services.

Industries That Can Benefit Most from Surveys
Surveys can be impactful in a variety of industries, from marketing and advertising to healthcare and beyond.
Surveys provide industries with valuable insight into their target market and help them identify potential opportunities or areas of improvement.
Here are just a few industries that can gather insightful data via running surveys.
1. Non-profit and Social Work
Non-profit and social work rely on surveys to get feedback from people. Surveys can help them learn what people need, think, and want.
They use this information to make decisions about their work that will help them in the long run.
By using surveys, non-profits and social workers can gain a competitive edge over other organizations in their field.
Surveys provide an easy way for these organizations to collect data quickly so they can use it to create better services and products for the people who need them most.
2. Marketing and Advertising
Surveys are an indispensable tool for marketing and advertising campaigns, providing companies with the necessary feedback to refine their strategies and tailor them to specific audiences.
Surveys allow industries to understand customer preferences, opinions, and behaviors in order to create targeted messages that will resonate with the intended audience.
By collecting data through surveys, advertisers can gain valuable insights that will help them craft effective campaigns and gain a competitive edge.
3. Retail
The retail industry relies heavily on surveys to understand customer preferences, needs, and opinions.
These insights can be used to inform product design decisions, ensure customer satisfaction, and identify areas of improvement in the customer experience.
Surveys are also an important tool for gauging the effectiveness of advertising campaigns with retail stores – by collecting feedback from customers, retailers can understand which ads are resonating with their target audience and make necessary adjustments to increase sales.
4. Hospitality
Surveys can also come in handy in the hospitality industry as they provide crucial insight into guest satisfaction levels and how to improve services.
From understanding what amenities guests prefer to gauging their overall experience, surveys are also great when it comes to the hospitality industry.
By collecting customer feedback through surveys, hospitality companies like hotel and restaurant operators can make necessary improvements that will lead to higher guest satisfaction levels and, ultimately more repeat business.
5. Education
When it comes to educational institutions, surveys play a big role, from gaining feedback from students and parents to assessing the effectiveness of programs.
Surveys provide a way for schools to collect data quickly and efficiently about issues such as student engagement, teacher performance, school climate, and curriculum design.
By obtaining this data through surveys, schools can make informed decisions that will benefit their operations in the long run.
Using surveys in education can also improve communication between faculty members and administrators by helping them understand what issues are most important to stakeholders.
6. Healthcare
Surveys are a valuable tool in healthcare settings as they provide insights into patient preferences, needs, and opinions.
Surveys allow doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to gain a better understanding of the overall patient experience and how to improve it.
For instance, surveys can be used to assess patient satisfaction levels with treatments and services, identify areas of improvement in the care environment, and measure the effectiveness of patient education materials.
Surveys are also a great way to assess patient opinion on certain treatments or procedures and provide doctors with valuable feedback that helps them make informed decisions about their patients’ health.
7. Government
Surveys are a good tool for government programs and representatives as they allow for the collection of data about public opinion on a variety of issues.
Areas to investigate include satisfaction with services, hopeful changes, local passions, and more.
This information is a huge help in guiding decision-makers, allowing them to make informed and effective decisions that will address the needs and concerns of their constituents.
Surveys also provide governments with a way to measure the effectiveness of their initiatives and programs, allowing for changes to be made as necessary.

How to Run a Succesful Survey
Running a successful survey requires careful planning and consideration of several factors. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you plan and execute an effective survey.
Define Your Goal: Before designing a survey, it is important to determine what information you are hoping to gain from it. Consider why you are running the survey, what type of data you need to collect, and the questions that will best help you achieve those goals.
Choose Your Survey Platform: There are a variety of platforms available for creating surveys, such as online forms, phone interviews, and paper questionnaires. Outline your target audience and the resources available to you when selecting a platform for your survey.
Create Your Questions: After determining the goals of your survey, you can start designing your questions. Be sure to use clear and concise language, avoid leading questions, and provide open-ended response options when necessary. Also, be sure to look at a variety of question types such as multiple choice, true or false, and Likert scales.
Test Your Survey: Before sending out your survey, it is important to test it with a few people to ensure that your questions are clear and easy to understand. Ask for feedback from testers and make the necessary changes before officially launching your survey.
Distribute & Promote: Once you’ve finalized your survey, it is important to promote it and get as many responses as possible. Options for creating buzz include email lists, social media channels, and word-of-mouth promotion to reach your target audience. Be sure to consider offering incentives or rewards for completing surveys.
Analyze Results: After collecting data from your survey, it’s time to analyze the results and draw meaningful conclusions. Consider using software or tools that allow you to easily visualize your data for a better understanding of the results.
Take Action: Once you have a clear understanding of the survey results, use this information to make informed decisions and take action accordingly. This could mean making changes to existing policy or introducing new strategies or initiatives.
Keep in mind that this process won’t be identical for every industry, company, or unique survey need. You’ll need to adjust depending on initial goals and resources in the company.
If running an online survey where you need flexibility, a surveying platform like Productlab can help to make the process easier all around.
Final Thoughts
Overall, surveys are an invaluable tool for any business or organization seeking to understand the opinions and preferences of their customers.
By leveraging survey data, decision-makers can make informed decisions that will improve customer satisfaction levels and increase sales.
From gauging public opinion on policy decisions to assessing patient experience in healthcare settings, surveys provide a wealth of information that is essential for organizational success.
Whether you’re running a digital product online or managing a restaurant, surveying your customers should be part of your regular operations if you want to continue delivering great services and products.